First Date Mistakes and More With Evan Marc Katz
First Date Mistakes and More With Evan Marc Katz
Hesitating to get back on the dating scene?
Renowned dating coach Evan Marc Katz is on the podcast today to share his insights on how to re-enter the modern dating scene at any season of life.
He explains the ‘how-to’s” of dating in today’s modern age for strong, successful women looking for true connection.
Bio: Renowned dating coach and internationally acclaimed author Evan Marc Katz stands as a beacon of insight in the intricate world of modern romance. With a wealth of experience navigating the complexities of contemporary dating, Evan is the ultimate guide to understanding love in the digital age. Having authored bestsellers like Why He Disappeared and Believe in Love, Evan has dived into the unique challenges faced by smart, strong, and successful women in their quest for connection, offering profound perspectives that resonate deeply.
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