
Guided Teachings & Tools to Heal a Broken Heart & Live Better


Heartbroken Open: A memoir

Heartbroken Open was first published in 2010, this first book trailer features guests speaking about the impact of the Kristine Carlson story on their own grief and what it took to heal a broken heart. *Watch until the end Kristine does a reading!

Heartbroken Open: A memoir
Kelly Corrigan and Kristine Carlson sit down for a funny back and forth chat about their books: The Middle Place (Kelly) and Heartbroken Open (Kris) at a book event in Danville, California at Rakestraw books.
Kristine Carlson's Personal Story

Kris shares her personal story of transformation through heartbreak and loss. You can be heartbroken open to living more awake; you can heal a broken heart and grow from loss.

Guided Teachings & Tools to Heal a Broken Heart & Live Better


Three R's for 2021: Introduction

Every year I think of a word or series of words that carry the intention and energy I’d like to invoke in the coming year. The three R’s for 2021: 

Three R's for 2021: Rediscover

It’s time to do a deep dive into who you are after this time of change. Who are you now? What have you left behind to live the life you’ve lived?

Three R's for 2021: Reclaim

Now, after going through a process of rediscovery where you uncover what matters most to you, you are ready to reclaim your identity.

Three R's for 2021: Reinvent

After you rediscover what you feel passionate about and reclaim your joy, then you are ready to reinvent your life and vision a new dream!

Resiliency Series Video 1: Hope & Fear

When speaking on the topic of resiliency, Kris shares her favorite Maya Angelou quote: “Hope and Fear cannot exist in the same place.” 

Guided Teachings & Tools to Heal a Broken Heart & Live Better


What Now? Course
What Now? is a guided course that will help you re-align with your mind, body, and spirit. As you navigate this season of transition, I will be guiding you to reclaim your strength, confidence, and well-being as you return home to yourself and reclaim your joy.
What Now? Video
If you’ve ever wondered where you fit into your own busy life while raising a family–now that they are grown and out of the nest, it’s your time to fly! It’s your time now; you can discover a new dream.
What Now? Journal for Healing:
After the loss of my husband, I journaled for two years. Those journals turned into a memoir and new purpose for me. That’s how the What Now? Course was born. Join me as you move through this season of challenge and into greater inner wisdom and renewed direction.

TEDx Video

Wake Up to an Inspired Life Video
Dedicating this Ted talk in loving memory to Richard, Kris courageously shares from her heart the message that came through the sudden loss of Richard, who died without warning from a pulmonary embolism six years ago. With raw emotion, she shares a story about living, loving, healing and waking up to an inspired life.


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