Your Health is Your Wealth
I’ve been reflecting lately about the way the conversation changes in mid-life. It deepens because life hinges on a thread.
I am reminded daily how fragile life is.
People I love are getting sick–really sick.
Yesterday, my morning began with a text from one of my closest friends. She said: “Maggie is gone. I am heartbroken-open.” Her friend had lived with cancer for 18 years and her body finally let go. The fact that it was a long slow process of letting go didn’t make it any easier for my friend to grieve.
Later in the day, I received another text from a friend. She said: “I need to talk. I have to figure out if I go for a double mastectomy or remove the lump and do radiation and chemo.” So, yesterday, our conversation had shifted from kids in diapers and teenage boundaries and girl talk about men, to working through the benefits of each of those treatments for breast cancer.
At the end of the day, I cried thinking, mid-life is not for wusses.
Optimal health is not easy to attain. Often, we have to course correct on thirty years of adrenaline rush and doing too much too fast that plays havoc on our hormones causing imbalance. We need to adjust our schedules to allow more time to put that fitbit on and move. We need to eat whole healthy foods rich in nutrients and give up our acidic ways. Your body is a project—either way, healthy or not, it can be fine tuned! And, what’s miraculous is the body heals when given the right stuff. The most important thing to remember is that when we are connected and treating our bodies well, we can live with the vitality that serves us.
That’s why I’ve decided to do a podcast series for health and wellness called, “Your Health is Your Wealth.”
Without our health, we don’t have the vitality we long for.
I hope you join me and listen in for six conversations with some of my favorite authors and fitness experts every Monday beginning April 4th.
Your health is your wealth and your way to living your most vibrant life.