Heart to Heart Connection Series: Agree To Disagree
Heart to Heart Connection Series: Agree To Disagree
Agree To Disagree: Episode 230 brought to you by The Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, Live the Big Stuff Podcast
This has been a trying year for all of us.
The United States is anything but united right now; with so many hot topics that are on the platform for discussion right now… and we haven’t even entered into the full fall election.
So how do we enter these potentially polarizing conversations in a conscious, meaningful – and effective – manner?
We must remember that at the heart of the United States of America is our constitution. Every citizen has the right to their own opinion. And we are all entitled to our values and belief systems. And, as Americans, rather than be disrespectful to another who may have polar opposite beliefs – perhaps, the best strategy is to access your compassion by connecting to your heart and agreeing to disagree!
Kristine shares why it’s more important than ever before to connect to your heart and understand the principle of happiness of “separate realities.”
Listen in today – you don’t need to lose your love connections with friends and family members during these politically divided and activating times!
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