Introduction to Living A Spiritual Life
Introduction to Living A Spiritual Life
Introduction to Living A Spiritual Life: Episode 231 brought to you by The Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, Live the Big Stuff Podcast
As we buckle in for this Covid-coaster, has your spiritual self been strapped in along for the ride? Or have you too, found it easy to abandon some of your spiritual practices as we deal with these very “real-world” issues and realities?
It’s very common to feel disconnected from our spiritual selves from time-to-time; especially when life calls on us to deal with unforeseen (and sometimes scary) situations.
So if this sounds like you… don’t worry! You can reconnect to your highest Self at any time; no matter where you are along the spiritual path – it’s never too late or too early to begin. And the good news is, your truest Self has always been present as you attune to spirit.
Accessing your spiritual self in difficult times is not a frivolity; you won’t have your head up in the clouds, but rather, you’ll find that many of your struggles actually begin to resolve themselves as you learn to surrender your ego and align with spirit and attune to your truest nature–your highest Self.
In this episode of the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, Live the Big Stuff podcast, Kristine shares what it means to live a spiritual life, and offers some key insights on how you can begin living this way today.
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