Keeping Calm in Chaos
Don't Sweat The Small Stuff - Live The Big Stuff
Keeping Calm in Chaos
These times have presented us with the realization that many things are beyond our control. Right now, we are still holding on to this COVID-coaster – riding the ups and downs, together.
You may be thinking, “How do I feel calmer amidst all of this chaos?”
In this episode of the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, Live the Big Stuff Podcast, Kristine Carlson shares the spiritual tools she has used to reclaim her sense of inner stillness when the outer world is unsteady.
In today’s episode, you’ll learn how to:
- be responsible for your own energy and inner life
- consume media and news consciously
- minimize outward chaos in your life
- practice present-moment living to stay grounded
- offer yourself compassionate grace and understanding
- embrace the power of empty presence listening to support your loved ones
As you begin to access your serenity, you’ll better support your loved ones and be a shining example of love and light for a world in great need. And what could be better than that?
Listen in and learn how to begin the practice of present moment living, so you too, can choose inner bliss and happiness for the remainder of your lifetime. No matter what happens!
If you’d like to be mentored by Kristine Carlson, check out her reinvention and renewal program where you take a deep dive into who you are now (and where you are going): What Now? An Online Mentorship Course and Workbook.
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