Pleasure and Joy with Misty Tripoli

Juicy As You Are!:

Pleasure and Joy with Misty Tripoli

In the early 2000’s, fitness trainer Misty Tripoli appeared to be at the top of her game – under contract with Nike, and representing companies like Reebok, Skechers, and Equinox. Meanwhile, she was secretly struggling with severe bulimia and a deeply unhealthy relationship to food, there was no pleasure, just suffering.

In today’s episode, she shares how her struggles with negative body image led her to create The Groove Method™, where today; she inspires people all over the world to reclaim their authenticity through mindful movement and self-expression.

Listen in and learn her juicy, pleasure filled self-love rituals that will help you overcome shame about your body. You deserve to live your most vibrant, embodied and joyful life!

If you’d like to embrace mindful living, then this popular video course, You Can Be Mindful! is for you! There’s no time like the present to feel clarity and calm.

In this course you’ll learn how to develop your mindfulness practice which will allow you to calm down and feel better – no matter what circumstances life brings you.

Learn about Dr. Shauna Shapiro’s practices from her bestselling book, Good Morning, I Love You, and how Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff can help you deepen your mindfulness practice.

These principles have already helped tens of millions of people around the world to live mindfully – so they can calm down and feel better. Go ahead and learn more here.

Guest: Misty Tripoli

Creator of The Groove Method™ and Body Groove and Founder of The World Groove Movement, and a self-titled Truth Warrior.

Visit Misty Tripoli’s website here.

Join Body Groove here.

Host: Kristine Carlson

Kristine Carlson, New York Times Bestselling author and world-renowned speaker, is passionate about spreading her message of waking up to life with joy and gratitude amidst the ups and downs of their earthly existence.

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