Heart to Heart Connection Series: The Awakened Heart

Heart to Heart Connection Series:

Heart to Heart Connection Series: The Awakened Heart

The Awakened Heart: Episode 228 brought to you by The Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, Live the Big Stuff Podcast

The awakened heart is your truest nature. When we open our hearts to feeling all of life, we become whole and completely alive. And the good news is, you don’t have to do anything or become anything or anything to experience this kind of heart awakening – it’s simply a matter of remembering who you were before the ego and the world around you taught you otherwise. Isn’t it fascinating how we spend our entire lives simply in a state of return?

In this podcast episode of Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff: Live the Big Stuff, Kristine shares how to remove all of the blocks that have been formed through the course of your lifetime that are preventing your heart from awakening to its fullest expression. Love is here, and it starts with you. Now’s the time to become fully ALIVE and begin your love affair with life!

If you’re ready to go deeper into your awakening and heart opening process, you’ll want to read Kristine Carlson’s latest book; From Heartbreak to Wholeness: The Hero’s Journey to Joy! Go here to check it out

For more helpful resources like this, be sure to check out our new Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff Happiness Training Courses by going here. In these courses, you’ll learn the strategies and tried-and-true tools on how to reduce anxiety and live a happier life from the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff series – with over 30 million books sold!

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Host: Kristine Carlson

Kristine Carlson, New York Times Bestselling author and world-renowned speaker, is passionate about spreading her message of waking up to life with joy and gratitude amidst the ups and downs of their earthly existence.


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