What is Wholeness?

Don't Sweat The Small Stuff - Live The Big Stuff

What is Wholeness?

The Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, Live the Big Stuff Podcast brings you Episode 157: What is Wholeness?

This is the second of three consecutive episodes where Kris talks about, “What is Wholeness.”

Kris shares her own journey of reclaiming and integrating the divine masculinity energy into her already fully developed feminine energy to master wholeness.

Kris reads a passage from her latest book: From Heartbreak to Wholeness: the hero’s journey to joy, and elaborates on the discussion of what it means to reach wholeness.

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Host: Kristine Carlson

Kristine Carlson, New York Times Bestselling author and world-renowned speaker, is passionate about spreading her message of waking up to life with joy and gratitude amidst the ups and downs of their earthly existence.


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