5 Ways To Feel Fabulous Every Day

5 Ways To Feel Fabulous Every Day, Feel Fabulous, Fabulous

5 Ways To Feel Fabulous Every Day

You don’t have to let negativity control your life. Instead, do what you can to have your very best day possible! If you’re looking for small ways to boost your well-being, you’ve come to the right place. Below are five ways to feel fabulous that might just make the difference in turning an okay day into a great one.

Let Go of the Negative

I know, I know—this is so obvious that it bodes a reminder: Negativity can consume you if you don’t take control, so letting go of your negative thoughts is an absolute must. If you allow thoughts of worry, insecurities, or past mistakes to be what you focus on in your day-to-day life; it will only drain your energy and leave you feeling exhausted. And, negative self-talk about yourself to yourself is the worst form of negativity. It’s a bit like standing next to a wall and slamming your head into it—ouch! Understanding how your mood plays a role in your negative self-talk will really help you stop beating yourself up. While it is not always the easiest thing to do, as you practice hopping off the negativity train and letting those thoughts pass on by, you will be on your way to a fabulous day. You may wish to check out our YOU CAN BE HAPPY! course here to practice letting go of negativity.

Rock it to Your Favorite Tunes

Music really can make all the difference and add that better beat to your day! Nothing brings a smile on your face and takes you a step closer to feeling fabulous than pressing play on your favorite song and turning up the volume. Start the day right by listening to a mood-boosting playlist as you get ready in the morning or on your commute. You may beat to your own drum and be well on your way to the best day ever!

Dress For Success

Sometimes, picking the perfect outfit can be a bit stressful—first world problem, for sure. Depending on how my weight is, I can go to my jeans cupboard two or three times after trying one pair and then another, putting one leg in and right out again, until I find one that slips on easily. But when you finally find that perfect outfit and put it on, fabulous will radiate off of you. The best part? You decide what makes you feel fabulous, whether it’s your favorite shirt from a boutique or your favorite pants you made yourself. Do yourself a favor, and dress in whatever outfit will have you feeling amazing!


It is not everybody’s favorite course of action, but exercise will have you feeling amazing in no time. There is no better feeling than finishing a workout. All you need to do is push forward past the negative of not wanting to do it, and afterward, when you are feeling healthy and great, you will thank yourself.

Practicing Positive

And here we are, circling right back into the first point. As you practice letting go of the negative thoughts you are having, you will more naturally begin to see what’s positive. Focus on what you feel grateful for and your life will blossom like a rose bud that opens to the sun. All you need to do is notice the small things in your life that bring you joy. The small things are big right now. As you practice, your natural good feelings of joy will help you to feel fabulous! To learn more about how to be positive more of the time, you may wish to read Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff.

These five ways to feel fabulous every day really do work. Incorporating these methods into your day will bring greater positivity and enjoyment to you as you live your most vibrant life.