A Modern Day Goddess

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Living The Big Stuff

A Modern Day Goddess

You may notice her more because of the super powers she has and because she shines like a modern day goddess. Here are seven characteristics of the modern day goddess.

She is the Divine Feminine Grace

A modern-day goddess is the divine feminine incarnate moving through the world with grace. She is the Gaia energy of the earth mother’s womb and is carried forward in the essence of all light beings. The feminine Gaia energy is abundant. It is brilliantly intelligent. It is nurturing, contractive and expansive.

She Integrates the Masculine With the Feminine

A modern day goddess integrates the masculine energy with the feminine to become a woman aligned with the perfect balance of strength, structure and flow. She is constantly moving in a spiral creating the vortex of transformation—creating the momentum of change.

The divine feminine embraces it all with the courage of a warrior. She is able to not only sit in the eye of the storm of chaos, but BE the eye of the storm. She knows the value of holding a container where the flow of energy that is transformational may be a storm that she sits in the eye of as it creates change.

She is Wise

She knows with wisdom that the result of the storm will turn winter into spring and summer into fall as father sky mirrors her many moods. She can sit with her shadow and allow her light to shine as her intuition guides her with a well lit path. Her wisdom is well earned from lifetimes of lessons discovered as her self awareness is polished like a shiny stone.

A modern day goddess knows there is order in the chaos and there is perfection in the plan. All will be well. She says often, “This, too, shall pass.”

She is Fluid

The feminine goddess is fluid like a river and intuitive as the wind—this energy is ebbing and flowing in each crested wave that washes into the vast ocean shore.

The divine feminine is unharnessed but also calmed to the early morning dawn. She is the peace and the perfect storm and she embraces change with complete presence– knowing that she will alchemize that which is nothing into that which is the manifestation of the highest intention of the universe.

She RECEIVES in All Things

A modern day goddess delights in the pleasure and beauty that surrounds. She can surrender to receive. She is able to hold suffering with her palms cupped open knowing that the lotus is going to blossom from the pain.

She envelopes everyone in the folds of her love, her beauty and fluidity.

She accesses grace through one simple practice of surrender and trust.

She is the sunflower that happily stands erect to make you smile.

She knows no boundaries of time but instead lives in the pace of now.

She has mastered her mind and is no longer a slave to negative thinking.

She is guided by her heart to say yes by invitation.

She Initiates

A catalyst of change she initiates others by breaking down barriers to what is real. She pulls down the veil of illusion to break through to what is everlasting. She sees through illusion to what is without. She annihilates ego to save the earth from destruction.

She Sits in Empty Presence… and she waits quietly attuned.

It is in the stillness where she accesses the wisdom that feeds the world their instructions. It is in the stillness that she holds her reflection as a mirror to the mystery. It is in stillness she stands as a feminine warrior ready to do battle for humanity to endure these lofty times. It is in alignment with the Goddess of Love and the Great Mother and all the ArchAngels that she serves in her highest capacity to guide.

The modern day goddess breaks through the armor that is the result of the masculine which is grounded in ego and shadow, but calls on the divine masculine for deep penetration of strength and creativity.

She Will Be Seen, and She Will Be Heard.

One may have to lean in and listen to her whisper or wait to receive her roar.

She is the feminine leader the world is ready for as she integrates the masculine to be the wind beneath her wings and return to the shadow of her imminent grace as she lights the world on fire with love.

You, too, can choose to be a modern day goddess by embracing all of these qualities in feminine leadership.

Women don’t need to lead as men—we need to be the divine feminine which integrates the masculine energy to balance the strength that comes from our femininity. As we integrate the masculine and feminine energies, we become the divine being we came here to realize.

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