How to Make a Bad Day Better

How to Make a Bad Day Better Blog

How to Make a Bad Day Better

How to Make a Bad Day Better

We’ve all been through some bad days lately, and for a variety of reasons, new challenges seem to just keep coming. We can wallow in our worries or we can learn how to make a bad day better.

While we can’t resolve all our cares immediately, there are some simple things we can do to set them aside and place them on the back burner for a while.

Surrender and Accept

Some days just go downhill and spiral lower, but most days are up and down—and up a again. Once you surrender to what is and accept where you are, and you may truly be having a stinker of a day, the act of acceptance might relieve some of the stress. Indeed, what we resist will persist. Admitting you have bad days isn’t a sign of weakness—it’s a sign you’re human. Rather than put an undue amount of energy into faking out what you truly feel, it can be so healthy to just acknowledge your feelings. Your low moods are like the weather, they go up and down. Simply remembering this will help you a lot next time you are having a low day. You may wish to learn about more wellness tools in our happiness training video courses.

Take a Golden Pause in Gratitude

It only takes about ten deep breaths and thinking of one thing you are grateful for. That is a Golden Pause. Pausing to connect with your breath and look within yourself and count your blessings. Every bad day starts somewhere, but you can turn it into something positive. Look around you to find simple things that inspire gratitude—a sunny day, a beautiful flower, even an apple waiting for you in the fridge. Maybe you have super supportive friends or kind, understanding siblings.

Do Something Nice for Someone Else

Get out of your own head by doing something nice for someone else. Brightening someone else’s day will brighten yours, especially if you help someone when they least expect it. Call a friend you haven’t spoken with in a while, just to check-in. Send someone a pick-me-up greeting through an e-card or write a physical note that says you’re thinking of them. You could also do some grocery shopping for someone who can’t go out. Acts of kindness toward others will take your mind off your troubles and help you realize that everyone needs a boost sometimes.


Release some endorphins—those feel-good hormones/neurotransmitters will boost your mood and improve your outlook. Go outside if you can to get some fresh air while you exercise. If you are new to working out or are used to having a workout created for you in the gym, learn how to choose workout routines that are appropriate and fun for you to do at home.

Laugh and Cry

Have a good laugh. Go ahead and dive down that Instagram or YouTube rabbit hole for a while—watch cats chasing lasers, dogs exuberantly greeting their humans, or people doing silly dances. Spending just a few moments on Twitter can often turn into a few hours of laughing at funny videos and memes or watch a good comedy on TV.

Have a good cry. Sometimes, all you need to do is give yourself permission to have a good cry. Crying releases powerful endorphins and you will release stored up emotion. What is expressed comes out; what is depressed stays in. Express and get it out to feel immediately better.

Remember, the key to making a bad day better is to remember you’ll get through it. This too shall pass, and better days will come again. Everything is going to be alright; it really is.