Let’s Love America to Greatness
Let’s make America great again. Yes, let’s do just that.
We have a new President. He’s the wild card, the Trump card played by a surprisingly large number of Americans who wished to be heard. He led with hatred, he spoke with aggression, yet he’s been voted into one of the greatest positions of leadership our world knows.
So now, it’s our turn to play our own cards. It’s our turn to step into the game–but this time with the intentions of kindness, love, and light.
For those of us who had hoped for a different outcome, we can’t have a pity party too long. It is what it is. We embrace light.
Even so, I woke up feeling sick to my stomach because I know the battle we have as a collective is with EGO.
It’s the same battle we have in our own individual lives every day to emerge from the shadow—and love is the only place where ego cannot survive.
I feel fear today for our country, but I’m going to lean in with love.
I’m going to become more engaged–not less–and look for ways I can help balance this out.
I’m going to give extra donations to organizations like GreenPeace and Amnesty International.
I’m going to pray that the White House will harmonize things, and that President Trump takes up meditation. (Do you think maybe we can suggest that to add to his mindfulness?)
As women, we need to band together and make sure that we keep making progress happen for our daughters and granddaughters and protest if what we value for them becomes compromised.
So, friends, let’s all make a miracle happen through forgiveness. Let’s take action where we can. Let’s courageously lean into our fears. No matter how you feel about this election, let’s band together to love America to greatness… no matter what.
This is a great test for our country—a country very divided in this season. We have to hold democracy with love, and also choose to love all the people who chose this President. It’s a challenge. Let’s continue our own personal greatness and be good people living good lives.
We must stand together UNITED and not allow ego to separate us with hatred any longer.
Let’s do what we can to love America to greatness.
Living our lives with love and kindness, that’s the way to live our most vibrant lives.