My Interview with Women of Distinction Magazine

my interview with women of distinction magazine blog
Living The Big Stuff

My Interview with Women of Distinction Magazine

I recently did an interview with Women of Distinction magazine. It was such an honor to be asked and I loved getting a chance to talk about my life and career from the beginning to today.

I’m excited to share the interview with you:

Q: How did you get started in your career and in what year?

A: I guess you could say, I began my career as an author in 2000 by invitation from my husband, Dr. Richard Carlson, to co-author Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff in Love–the third book in the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff book series. The following year of 2001, our publisher was pleasantly surprised that I could write and promote and asked me to write Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Women. Both were instant New York Times bestsellers and proved that I carried the weight of the brand alongside my husband.

Q: What has kept you in your career so long?

A: While my husband was alive, my career as an author lulled into the background of our lives as we were busy raising our daughters and Richard’s career flourished. I was his support and stayed in tuned to his career and our brand but remained in the background. On December 13, 2006 that all changed with the news of his sudden death from a pulmonary embolism. In spiritual communities when Master Teacher passes, it is said that he may pass on his knowledge and gifts to his wife or partner if she is capable of carrying on his “unfinished work.” It has given me great meaning and it is a great honor to carry on the legacy of a great man who loved humanity and changed the world with his work—having sold over 25 million copies of our books worldwide and becoming a household name in many countries around the globe. My purpose in life is to be a conduit of love, light and sustainable life wisdom—helping people live their most vibrant lives with perspective, resiliency, grace and gratitude. Knowing that I am here to serve in a loving capacity, carry on for my husband and continue to leave a legacy of love keeps me going—no matter what obstacles I face.

Q: What is your role in your company? What functions do you do that help your company function at its highest capacity?

A: I would be considered the CEO of my company but also the talent. My emotional intelligence, wisdom and style drive our brand and the content delivered in the podcasts, blogs and products we develop. I oversee the decisions of our company, but have the assistance of a wonderful team of associates behind me.

Q: Who or what has been your greatest professional inspiration?

A: I am driven by a philanthropic desire to serve and mentor as a light of hope and inspiration allowing my life to be my message—as inspired by Ghandi.

Q: What advice do you offer people starting out in your industry?

A: When I coach someone starting out in my industry I start by asking a few questions: “Why do you wish to do this? What is your messaging? Who do you wish to help ?”

My advice is to start a blog expressing vulnerably and honestly from the genuine answers to these questions. Branding is about message, authenticity, and heart. You build a following and then you offer your mentorship and support through books, programs and whatever lights up your heart and soul as you serve. I, personally, love retreats and speaking. So, my offerings will reflect what I love to do for others—which is give them the opportunity to engage, awaken, transform and live more vibrant lives while embracing change.

Q: What professional challenges have you faced that have contributed to your overall success?

A: I learned a long time ago that there is no such thing as “overnight” success.” It was Richard’s tenth book that struck the phenomenal bestseller chord around the world. If you keep doing and saying the same things—eventually, your following will trust you and you will grow. It takes tenacity, commitment and a deep belief to keep on.

It took me awhile–after hiring the wrong people–to learn who to hire and how to build a dream team. Hire the best people you can afford—hire those with a track record—especially, in the online wild, wild west.

The greatest obstacle I faced was having a cyber stalker who built a relentless campaign against my social media platform for seven years. This drove me harder to stay in the game every day and not allow him to scare me away from my mission. In many ways, he served me as an initiatory challenge on what Joseph Campbell calls “the hero’s journey.” He forced me to take a stand of protection for our brand and my family as he persistently stalked both of my daughters as well. I built a case against him, and he is now serving a four and a half year sentence in the UK prison system.

Q: What is the biggest lesson you have learned that you feel is good advice for others?

A: In Life: Your circumstances don’t make or break you, they reveal you. When you embrace change rather than resist it, you heal and birth a new life that is beautiful.

In business: Allow your deepest “why” to drive your passion to serve. It is through service that fulfillment comes and that is what feels most vibrant and alive.

In Love: Love greatly with your whole heart and soul. You will never regret giving more love. What you give, you receive. Love transcends the boundaries of time and space and lives in your heart forever.

In Change: It is inevitable. Resist and suffer or surrender, trust, accept and heal to receive a new life.

Live gratefully. Gratitude resonates in the heart. Having gratitude is perhaps the simplest form of what it means to have peace, happiness and true abundance.

Q: What is your brief work history?

A: As a young married woman, I was an entrepreneur and owned a graphic design & marketing business for seven years. Then, I became a mother and CEO of my home while also assisting Richard as he ran his business of “Happiness Training” and writing books. We birthed the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff books after publishing ten other books in ten years.

In 2010 I received a Laureate award from JFK University alongside Alice Waters and Sanjay Gupda for my contribution to the spiritual health and well-being of many.

Q: Are there any specific contributions you have made?

A: I continue to develop the daily available wisdom of the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff philosophy through multi-media offerings including online classes and platforms. My current branding is about applying our wisdom to “living the big stuff.” I will continue to write more bestselling books and inspire through my insight and life experience. You can expect a new title from me in 2016/2017.

Q: What communities or organizations are you involved in?

A: I have been a long time supporter and fundraiser for Challenge Day and have served on the Global Leadership Council for ten years. I am involved with other aligned authors and brands, like in mutual affiliate support. I am part of many online communities like Debbie Philip’s “Women on Fire,” Christina Rasmussen’s “Life Starters,” and have written a past column in support of Carolyn Moore’s “Modern Widows Club.”

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